Please distribute widely
1st Call for Papers
The theme is ‘Cure or curiosity, What drives autism research?’
This is the first call for papers for
“Autonomy” The critical Journal of Interdisciplinary Autism Studies,
published through the Open Journals System, by the Autreach Press.
We are an open access peer reviewed journal, with the aim
of encouraging discourse between the different academic disciplines engaged in
autism research, with the focus on being autistic led. We therefore
particularly welcome and encourage papers from autistic scholars who have not
been published before.
We invite submissions, Academic Papers, Comment, and
Reviews. (This includes reviews of all media including conferences)
The submissions process is on line but not exclusively, so
we will also accept papers submitted by email, provided they are in a format
that can be understood and edited. Alternative modes of submission will also be
considered if this is an access issue, please contact the principal editor for
further details
We do not set a house citation style, but do require
citation and referencing.
Authors retain copyright but grant the journal a creative
commons attribution 3 licence on any material submitted.
Further details can be found on
For any further queries please email the Principal Editor
The deadline for the next issue is December 18th
Laurence Arnold PGCert (SpEd) FRSA